In the world of fashion and self-expression, wigs have become an invaluable accessory, offering versatility and style that knows no bounds. However, if you're a wig aficionado, you're no stranger to the frustrating issue of frizz. Whether you're rocking a synthetic wig or indulging in the luxury of human hair, a frizzy wig can strike at any moment, diminishing your wig's luster and causing endless bad hair days. 

But fear not, because in this comprehensive guide, our women’s wig experts are going to show you how to revive a frizzy wig and restore it to its former glory. Say goodbye to those unruly strands, and get ready to bring your wig back to life with our step-by-step tips and tricks. 

What Causes a Frizzy Wig? 

Wigs can be a fantastic way to change up your hairstyle or even offer a protective shield for your natural hair. However, one common issue that wig wearers often face is frizz. Understanding why wigs become frizzy is the first step in effectively reviving them. 

Heat and Humidity

High temperatures and humidity can wreak havoc on both synthetic wigs and human hair wigs. When exposed to excessive heat and moisture, wig fibers tend to absorb water molecules from the air, causing the hair strands to swell and become frizzy. This can make your wig look unruly and unmanageable, especially during the summer months or in tropical climates.

Frequent Wear and Styling

Just like your natural hair, wigs can also suffer from wear and tear. If you wear your wig daily or style it frequently with hot tools, you're more likely to encounter a frizzy wig. The constant manipulation, heat exposure, and friction against clothing can lead to damage in the form of split ends, breakage, and frizz. Over time, these factors can significantly impact the wig's overall appearance and texture.

Poor Quality Wig Materials

Lower-quality wigs, often made from inferior materials, are more prone to frizzing. Cheaper wigs may have synthetic fibers that lack the resilience and natural movement of higher-quality alternatives. Additionally, the wig cap construction and ventilation can affect how well the wig withstands frizz-inducing conditions.

What’s the Difference Between Reviving a Frizzy Synthetic Wig vs Frizzy Human Hair Wig?

Reviving a frizzy synthetic wig and a frizzy human hair wig involves different approaches due to the distinct characteristics of the two wig materials. Here's a breakdown of the key differences between reviving each type.

Heat Resistance

Synthetic wigs are generally less heat-resistant than human hair wigs. Excessive heat can cause the synthetic fibers to melt, become permanently damaged, or lose their original texture.

Human hair wigs, on the other hand, can withstand heat styling tools like straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers. They are more versatile in terms of restyling.


Synthetic wigs require specialized wig care products. You should use synthetic wig shampoos and conditioners like the Fiber Love Shampoo by Jon Renau to avoid damaging the fibers. Regular hair care products may contain ingredients that are too harsh for synthetics. In contrast, you can use regular sulfate-free hair care products on human hair wigs. Conditioning and deep conditioning treatments are important to maintain the human hair's natural moisture and shine.


Be gentle when detangling a synthetic wig to prevent stretching or breaking the fibers. Use a wide-toothed comb or a wig brush designed for synthetic hair. Human hair wigs can be detangled similarly to natural hair. You can use a regular hairbrush or comb, starting from the tips and working your way up to the roots.


Restyling synthetic wigs can be more challenging than with human hair wigs. Heat can be used to reset the style, but it must be done cautiously to avoid damage. When it comes to human hair wigs, they allow for more flexibility in restyling. You can change the hairstyle, curl pattern, or straighten the hair with ease using heat styling tools.

Step-by-Step Frizzy Wig Revival Process

Reviving a frizzy wig requires a systematic approach to ensure the best results. Let’s walk through the step-by-step process of bringing your frizzy wig back to life.

Step 2: Preparing the Wig

Start by carefully detangling the wig using a wig comb or brush. Begin at the tips and work your way up to the roots, taking extra care to avoid tugging or pulling on the hair. Detangling ensures that the subsequent steps are more manageable and prevents further damage. 

Step 2: Washing the Wig

Use a wig-friendly shampoo that is gentle and sulfate-free. Fill a basin or sink with lukewarm water and add a small amount of the shampoo. Gently immerse the wig in the water and swish it around to distribute the shampoo. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as this can cause tangling and frizz. 

Lukewarm water is essential because it helps prevent excessive swelling of the wig fibers, which can lead to frizz. Hot water should be avoided, as it can damage the wig, while cold water may not effectively remove product buildup.

Step 3: Conditioning the Wig

After rinsing out the shampoo, it's time to apply a wig conditioner. Choose a conditioner designed for wigs to ensure optimal results, such as the Restore Conditioner by HairUWear. Apply the conditioner evenly to the wig's hair, focusing on the tips and mid-lengths.

Use a gentle, downward motion to distribute the conditioner, avoiding the wig's roots and cap. Leave the conditioner in for the recommended amount of time specified on the product label. Typically, this ranges from a few minutes to overnight, depending on the conditioner.

Step 4: Steaming or Boiling Water Method

Steaming or using hot water can be an effective method for reshaping and removing frizz from the wig. The heat softens the wig fibers, allowing you to reset the style. This method is particularly useful for restyling synthetic wigs. 

Carefully use the steamer to steam the wig evenly, starting from the top and working your way down. If you're using hot water, you can either pour it over the wig or use a spray bottle to apply it evenly.

Step 5: Air Drying

After conditioning and any heat treatment, it's crucial to allow the wig to air dry. Avoid using heat-based drying methods like hair dryers or heat lamps, as they can contribute to frizz and damage. Pat the wig gently with a clean towel to remove excess water. To ensure proper airflow during drying, place the wig on the wig stand or mannequin head in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight and extreme heat, as these can also cause frizz. Allow the wig to dry completely before styling or wearing it again.

Contact Women’s Wig Shop for High-Quality, Durable Wigs

Are you ready to experience the beauty and confidence that comes with high-quality, durable wigs? Don't hesitate to get in touch with Women's Wig Shop today. Our team of experts in wig versatility is here to assist you in finding the perfect wig that suits your style, needs, and preferences. 

Whether you're looking for a natural human hair wig like the Glamour wig by Rachel Welch Collection, a stylish synthetic option like the Sky wig by Noriko, or you need help combating a frizzy wig with expert solutions, we have an extensive range of women’s wigs to choose from. 

Say goodbye to bad hair days and hello to a world of endless possibilities. Contact us now by calling [phone] or filling out the form below to get started. 


Womens Wig Shop
Tagged: wig maintenance